You hit the nail so squarely on the head that I stopped breathing for a minute. I get too emotional when I try to explain why it is so important for women to have the right to make choices for our own bodies, partly out of the injustice of having our rights taken away and partly because people I love were harmed before Roe, when abortion was illegal. Thank you for your clear-eyed logic.

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May 2Liked by Kit Thornton

I read this and thought "you just described the Mormon church". I know it describes other conservative authoritarian religious cults - er sects - as well. The Mormons are the ones I have indepth personal experience with.

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Nailed it! The authoritarian follower all too happy to help enforce this tactic of control. Some do think it is about the babies though, the ones with little melanin that is.

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If they really cared about the babies, they'd be lobbying for maternal nutrition programs and better pre-natal care. It's not about the babies.

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An orgasmic YES! to all of this. Under His eye….

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No doubt in my mind that you are 100% correct. I'm a "survivor" of years in catholic school & church (who usually vote "conservative"). It's absolutely essential that they control everything, or how else would they keep you in line, and tithing regularly? Some people are starting to realize the scam.

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Since the topic of abortion rights has been debated on Facebook for years, I have found that there is a pattern. I would say that about 90% of the people against abortion were men and of all of the anti people men were ALWAYS nasty about it.

What is rarely mentioned is that dead bodies have more rights than live women.

Hypothetical situation:

I have a special rare blood type and all those special alleles but never signed a donor card of any kind. I die. The POTUS requires an organ that only my dead body has. Without that organ s/he dies. S/he dies because I never signed that card. My dead body is intact.

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Apr 26Liked by Kit Thornton

WORD - plain and simple. Thank you, Kit. It takes me back to my late 20s when I was tired of being the only one in my relationship taking charge of birth control. My long time partner (we never married) didn't think it was his responsibility. I went to my doctor asking for a tubal ligation - I never wanted children (I come from several generations of family dysfunction and needed that to stop with me). I never wanted to risk an accidental pregnancy and while I want the abortion option available to all women, I didn't know if I could handle it myself, so I decided to take measures to keep that from happening. The doctor insisted on speaking with my partner, and asked me, in his presence, "what if this guy runs off, you meet a nice guy and you decide you DO want children?" I replied that it was my decision, and mine alone - I didn't want children no matter what any man thought. So the doc arranged for the surgery. My ex went into a tantrum because I didn't "defend" him in front of the doctor. So much control crap to deal with there. The doctor who questioned my decision and needed to hear from the man I lived with and the man I lived with thinking only of himself and his pathetic "honor." I ended both relationships about a year later.

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Whew - horrified and sorry you were treated that way.

I guess in the end, the doc did you a solid, from the sounds of it. Win/win but UGH! 😬 glad you dumped them both!

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Apr 26Liked by Kit Thornton

Absolutely! 🥰

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