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Apr 15Liked by Kit Thornton

Holy shit! I think I love you. Keep up the beautiful thoughts you share with us. It makes this thing called life, a wee bit more enjoyable.

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Apr 15Liked by Kit Thornton

I'm saving this to share with every ignorant chucklehead who makes any of these bigoted statements. Transitions are difficult, but at least try to learn, understand & progress.

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Apr 15Liked by Kit Thornton

So good…if you get through the faux news fog and reach just one lost soul, you’ve done well!!!

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Apr 15Liked by Kit Thornton

Spot on! This is what I’ve been telling people who claim that this is being ‘forced down their throats’!

Keep speaking out!

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Apr 14Liked by Kit Thornton

This is one of the most plainly spoken and direct essays by you I think, and much appreciated, as it fits a wide range of “mind your own business” situations. And I didn’t have to look up any words!

Thanks as always for your insight.

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Apr 14Liked by Kit Thornton

I agree! Thanks Kit!

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Apr 14Liked by Kit Thornton

Word...word...word!!! Thank you, Kit - I feel the need to memorize all of this so I have it in my tool box ready for the next tool to say something stupid and idiotic because THEY are not comfy. Oh so brilliant!

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Apr 14Liked by Kit Thornton

Simply excellent.

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Apr 14Liked by Kit Thornton


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