"Only I can fix it" is an inherently authoritarian claim.

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I do not think pardoning Trump is an answer. Nixon got pardoned and gradually we got worse and worse behavior in leadership.

Trump and his violent followers need prison, ostracism and mockery. It needs to be as hard to be a Trumper/fascist as it was to be a Communist in the USA in 1950s.

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We are, I fear, not going to see the defeat of Fascism in the short term. Their efforts toward censorship and restricting education are targeting long term power as well. Our only hope is that young people can be convinced that democracy is effective if they get off the sofa and vote. At this point, I’m actually wondering if pardoning Trump would be an effective way to take the wind out of the sails of the S.S. MAGA, instead of serving his cause by providing an easy windmill at which he can tilt eternally.

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Good summary! Businesses fuel a nation. Companies are not democracies, and therein lies the rub. A democratic nation whose wealth is run by non-democratic entities is bound to cause philosophical differences leading to conflict.

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Thanks, Kit. I have family who believe Trump is good for the US and that fascist exist in other countries. Sad to say that I don't speak to them about politics or much of anything these days.

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Thank you! If only there was a way to reach the people who need to hear.

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Thank you once again for an excellent and eloquent piece.

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Beautifully written. This should be required reading for all.

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The US is a strange hybrid of a fascist state. Virtually always at war, and it gives rise consistently to a pseudo-mythical "leader" that is installed every generation or so. Run behind the scenes by corporate institutions weilding incredible power through bought and paid for politicians. Our nation has always had an "enemy", but it used to be external for the most part. It's now clearly an internal divide not seen since the Civil War, worsening at a gallop, and the future will soon enough witness our collapse. The nation is doomed.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Kit Thornton

Excellent analysis! You are spot on, sir, as usual. I appreciate you putting these concepts into such elegant essays. I wish this piece could be a centerpiece for debate on the TV news. America sure needs it. My favorite point you touched on was how fascism depends on the spread of disinformation. Here in America, the propaganda is thick and has convinced about half the population that fascism in the name of MAGA is patriotic wonderfulness. Which could explain why we won't see anything like this essay on the news! Thanks, as always, I appreciate your efforts.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Kit Thornton

Thank you Kit. Sharing and pinning as my top post. Be well.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Kit Thornton

Thank for this cogent and concise explanation. I've shared.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Kit Thornton

Beautiful, yet sad commentary about humans. We are a fickle lot, are we not? I realize we come close to this fascism bullpucky too many times in the life of life on this earth. At 75, it doesn't get any easier. I appreciate you, Kit!

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One more observation: What we are currently doing - prosecuting some of the leadership, cracking down on some of the insurrectionists, etc. is a temporary fix. As long as there is opportunity, the leaders and followers will be quickly replaced. In order to put Fascism in regression, the social conditions that cause its acute outbreak - prejudice, economic sclerosis, lack of opportunity, social disunity, lack of civic virtue and comity, must be addressed. As long as the conditions stay the same, Fascism is a constant, growing threat.

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You are so right about this wave of excitement about tar and feathering trump. Somewhere else I compared what's going on now to rallying around the gallows in hopes of a hanging while the town burns to the ground behind us.

It does feel like a cold civil war though. As you say, there is no unifying with the brainwashed among us. Maybe the 2024 election will produce control enough to bring back the Fairness Doctrine for a reasonably good start.

It might turn down the temperature and pull the teeth out of Fox. Then perhaps, the maga crowd will get bored and go back to never voting, which was their lifetime go to stance of "freedom" before Fox and the con artist came along and ingeniously fooled them to the polls.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Kit Thornton

We desperately need media reform! I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that without all the propaganda, we would not be here today. I am hoping the barrage of lawsuits will help straighten that out. I actually favor federal regulation of the media industry we don't currently have, such as an updated FD, but that probably won't happen.

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"Healthy, united republics that represent their people and address their needs effectively do not fall to Fascism."

Like the citizenry in the suburb outside San Diego that with no prodding stepped up and sent $30k worth of Pride books to their library when a couple of know nothing moms checked out all the Pride books so no one could read them. Total backfire, and they quietly returned the books. :)

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Kit Thornton

You explained that so clearly . It is so frightening to me . I don’t have enough time on this earth to live through what can , and may happen. But my 6 grandkids ranging from 11- 21 ,will have to face whatever consequences these next couple of years will bring . Not what I thought our country would face .

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Kit Thornton


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