A fun question to think about is "is there an actual emotion or sentiment that isn't used to manipulate and/or produce profit?"

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May 13Liked by Kit Thornton

"Everyone loves someone to hate". Not sure who said this but I still remember it. We are so used to the hateful, negative narrative that I'm not certain we are aware of it's consequences on us. I don't mean to gush, but I want you to know how very much I enjoy your writing. You are a brilliant man.

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May 11Liked by Kit Thornton

This is what I’ve been saying forever! - thank you for writing it so eloquently and explaining it so much better than I ever could.

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May 11Liked by Kit Thornton

Another terrific piece. Thank you for using your experience and skills to so clearly elucidate timely topics such as this.

Your piece made me think, not for the first time, of the conflation of democracy with capitalism. In my understanding of fascism, it is both a political and economic system. I even wonder if “late stage capitalism” is merely a fig leaf for corporate capitalism tending toward fascism.

The conflation of capitalism and democracy, as I see it, is simply marketing by those who give not a whit for democracy for those they need docile enough to exploit as completely as possible.

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It’s all true, and all an open, festering wound on the face of this country. I have no idea how it can be fixed (at least not in my lifetime) and I blame my own cowardice for not taking any meaningful action that would have improved my general disposition…

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May 11Liked by Kit Thornton

Love it, Kit. Thanks

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May 10Liked by Kit Thornton

This has always been apparent to me.

I’ve always been aware of this.

It’s nothing but basic schoolyard bs writ large

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May 10Liked by Kit Thornton

Very well put, Kit. Thank you.

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