Jun 28Liked by Kit Thornton

Thank you, Kit!

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This essay is very helpful. Thank you!

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Jun 28Liked by Kit Thornton

Excellent! Just what I needed right now. Thank you!

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Given last night's debate, this piece was prophetic. Biden's "prep" was for a conventional legitimate debate...it's as if he. and/or his staff didn't know who/what Trump is.

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Thank you for this. I will try this tactic next time I'm confronted with the kind of "argument" you've illustrated. These people frustrate me so much, but the idea of showing them up for who they are is....delicious.

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Oh, so that's what they're called!

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Thank you Kit-

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This is so helpful! A new term and a new practice to try. Thank you!

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This is so spot on. It has taken me a long time to really understand this strategy. It truly does work, I just have to keep my emotions in check and not dive into their hog wallow with them.

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Great teaching. Though I don’t like the technique I like the term Gish Galloper.

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Love this, Kit! Very helpful. We will be experiencing a gish galloping tsunami soon, if we are not already in the thick of it — as election season sends all the Useful Idiots into High Dudgeon Mode in all media outlets. This should be a handout for all debates and TV interviews…

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Feb 15Liked by Kit Thornton

Very informative! Thank you!

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Feb 14Liked by Kit Thornton

Thank you. ♥️

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Feb 14Liked by Kit Thornton

Fantastic ideas ( I wish I could remember how to do that if I needed it 😉

I wish some of the democrats and reporters would know about this , and use the techniques against the repugnant Republicans

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Feb 14Liked by Kit Thornton

I wish I had known this when I was married. My husband (now ex) was a world class Gish galloper and narcissist. I kept trying to reason with him - an exercise in futility. As for current media talking heads - I often want to scream at the TV when they are interviewing one of these douche bags. Why don't they employ these techniques???

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Thanks! That was very useful.

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