Australia has recently taken a number of former special forces personnel to task for their participation in war crimes committed in Afghanistan. Initially, the Australian military hierarchy pushed back against the enquiry and the prosecution of the culprits but the evidence spoke for itself.

I am not sure other countries adhere to the same standards about international prosecution of war criminals. including being a signatory to the ICC (International Criminal Court).

I know that Russia, Sudan and the US signed on and then later withdrew from the agreement, while China, India, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Pakistan, Somalia and others never signed the Rome Statute, as it is called.

It seems to me that countries who refuse to submit to international law should be subject to diplomatic sanction until they are compliant.

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Excellent discussion of the issues, you have an uncanny economy of writing and a razor sharp logic. You’ve not only made your point that history is not an excuse for war crimes, you’ve reminded us that we have a moral obligation to examine the full and true history and learn from it by not repeating it.

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Measured and balanced. Reminding us never to close down, and to always view a situation from a broader world view than emotion might dictate.

Thank you.

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May 1Liked by Kit Thornton

Thank you Kit another perfect essay !!!

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May 1Liked by Kit Thornton

Kit, your writing never disappoints, and in this essay you absolutely nail it! We absolutely can and should call out atrocious behavior (including war crimes) wherever and whenever they occur, just as we should not ignore this behavior as a justification of our support for the innocent. And there are so many innocents in the Levant right now. Unfortunately, there also seems to be more who are ignorant and full of hate or rage, even here. We need more voices like yours.

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May 1Liked by Kit Thornton

Thank you Kit for your measured and well considered thoughts on this conundrum. I fully support a completely free Palestine but the hard reactionary response from too many is they won't accept this without the end to Israel. It's just not going to happen. Israel is not going away. Should we be limiting our financial support? Absolutely, they are a wealthy country who should be purchasing our weapons, not getting them funded by our congress. Any money allocated to Israel should be matched equally to the rebuilding of Gaza and a free Palestine. This issue is much bigger than simply Gaza and the crimes against the people there and must not be trivialized. But I am capable of knowing that while the Oct 7 attack was an inexcusable crime, I know just as clearly that the response was excessive and showed us clearly that Israel is no moral home to a people who remember what happened to them thru history.

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May 1Liked by Kit Thornton

I like all the responses Stacy hit the nail on the head her last sentence says it all! My thoughts exactly !

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One can condemn both Hamas' Oct 7 attack, and Israel's / IDF's subsequent leveling of Gaza and killing of Palestinian civilians.

One can support Israel's right to exist and defend itself, and not support the taking by force and the destruction of Palestinians' homes, properties, and lives.

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May 1Liked by Kit Thornton

At the risk of offending non-believers, Amen.

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