Who is on the right side of history... Can't wait to see

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I really liked your use of the term "rabid elephant shit". Totally appropriate.

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I saw a comment that said you can’t get into the US armed forces if you have a felony on your record. So how can a commander in chief, namely, a President, command the US armed forces, when he does not qualify as a member?! How can he have any authority over the armed forces?! The founding fathers thought future generations would have the common sense to further restrict who could become President, just as the oaths to be a state or federal judge have changed over the years and the qualifications have become more restrictive. Sadly, the founding fathers didn’t realize that common sense would become a rare commodity in the future.

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What this verdict tells me is that the 2016 election was fraudulently won by trump. Therefore his administration was a fraud. His supreme court is a fraud. And many of the republicans knew it.

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Wouldn't it be nice if we could vacate the Supreme Court appointments on that grounds -- they they were illegitimate to begin with.

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thank you! everything you've said here is right on.

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It's unfortunate, in the knowledge that TFG's presidency was illegitimate, that the actions of his administration cannot be declared null and void. All the more reason to take down this cult in November, across the board, and hold the enablers in Congress and statehouses equally accountable for their roles of Jan 6 (as well as prior, and since).

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Thank you!

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Thank you, Kit - as always you said what needs to be said, with the eloquence I love and appreciate. Too bad we don't have an enormous Men in Black neuralyzer to erase the MAGAts' memories.

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You say it clearly . It is a treacherous slope some of the repugnant Republicans are sliding down and taking us with them . Democracy hangs in the balance now , and I am losing hope . Some law makers are suggesting that the Supreme Court may step in and reverse the decision on this last case that finds the Orange Menace guilty ! If this happens in my lifetime of 75 years , I have never been more frightened of what’s to come in this country . When the top branches of government have no one to control them , what is left ? When will the Democrats start fighting loud and hard ? We need democrats to hold rallies with actors , sport figures and musicians! Let the message get out to more and more . Make it as loud as the other side each and every time Dump gets out with his lies !

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Maybe Democratic elites are not really concerned. Why wait until 2023 to bring charges, making it likely the most serious cases will get postponed until after the election? Had they brought charges earlier, Trump would be convicted before the primaries and Republicans would nominate someone else. Seems likely they wanted these cases to be live wires in 2014 so it would be a damaged Trump they faced rather than a more vigorous candidate.

I am a fan of Skowronek's Political Time model, He has politics move through cycles beginning with a Reconstructive president who establishes a *dispensation* based on his party's ideology. A period follows in which presidents from the dominant party, who "articulate" the dispensation with respect to the issues of the day, alternate with presidents from the opposition who attempt to "preempt" the dispensation, reinterpreting it to provide some role for them. Over time the effectiveness of dominant party presidents declines (as measured by the rating given by a consensus of pools of historians and the public), see the linked figure.


The last Reconstructive president was Reagan, Republicans are the dominant party. and the two Bush's and Trump have been the articulative presidents. Views of them have steadily moved down with Reagan seen as an A level president, while Bush II and Trump are seen quite negatively. The cycle ends when an opposition party president resets the agenda, making him Reconstructive. The previous president then becomes a Disjunctive president.

Both Obama and Biden beat very unpopular presidents, giving them the opportunity to abandon the Reagan dispensation (the center of which is supply-side tax cuts), which would make them Reconstructive. Both men chose to continue to work within the Reagan dispensation, making them Preemptive. As a result Trump's back.

Obama could have insisted that Democrats not provide the bulk of the support for the Bush administrations Wall St bailout. This would be a gutsy move; I don't think Obama had the temperament for it. Biden could have attached tax increases (e.g. repeal of 1997 and 2017 tax cuts; resumption of taxing dividends as ordinary income) to his Pandemic rescue bill (the one that sent checks to Americans). This would force Republicans and DINOs to oppose checks for Americans in order to preserve tax cuts for billionaires. I think Manchin and Sinema would fold to the enormous pressure they would get for such a position and the checks would go out and the taxes go up. The result would be a much smaller inflation outburst that would be gone today, giving Biden a much stronger position in this year's election.

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Preach it! Your words are the Truth. Amen

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This is an appreciated reality check..I just wish/hope a maga would have the desire, and then the intellectual ability to comprehend it.

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Good to see your post. I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering if everything was okay. Totally agree.

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Jun 1Liked by Kit Thornton

Thank you.

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Jun 1Liked by Kit Thornton

That's it in a nut shell. This is said so well I have to copy and paste it to all my FB groups. I will note that it is your words.. hope you don't mind and if you do just let me know and I will delete it everywhere I post it..

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I'm doing the same - will attribute!

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Thank you for saying what needs to be said.

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