@Kit Thorton Something my sister pointed out... Based on the date of the constitution, which is still in place, the United States is the oldest democracy in the world. And we are only 250 so years old. Democracy cannot sustain itself unless its citizens are educated and healthy... So perhaps the "great experiment" isn't going to be able to continue... I never considered this before... its eye blinking time. Any input?

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Great essay. Your logic and arguments make such sound sense.

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"I don't belong to any organized political party; I'm a Democrat."

-- Will Rogers

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If “they” replace Joe then 45 wins….and we lose.

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some days, I think the maga people should get what they want - because I'm pretty sure the trump presidency would be awful for them. But then I remember how many people will be hurt, and I continue to support the Democrats.

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If this republican party wins they will not leave in 4 yrs.... that is something no one has mentioned but they are not going to give it up.....

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That goes without saying. If this Republican party wins, we will no longer have an actual democracy. The Constitution and anything related to it go out the window.

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Perhaps, like other civilizations before it, what we are seeing is the death throes of a nation that has overstepped its boundaries, both economically and militarily.

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We are hardly perfect in america but we still have the country everyone would like to live in.

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That’s quite a reach. I don’t want to live there. Most people don’t want to live there.

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Not for much longer, if the Hate Pumpkin wins.

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If he wins it will be a different country and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the last presidential election.

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Jul 5Liked by Kit Thornton

The Canadian prime minister was recently asked in an interview for the Canadian press just what we will do if Trump wins the election. Considering the “special relationship enjoyed by our two countries” and the fact that the Canadian government is traditionally never supposed to have a public opinion of any kind about the American government, you may consider this the equivalent of a five alarm fire warning in Canada. We are fucking worried. Some of us are reconsidering the whole “undefended border” thing. Many of us no longer consider it a good idea to shop or travel in the US. We have Canadian family and friends living down there who we are not so quietly urging to come home as fast as possible. America, you are a dumpster fire out of control, and you need to get your shit together.

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Exactly. If the republican party gets in they are not going to get out.

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Jul 5Liked by Kit Thornton

This is spot on. A 90 minute debate should NOT cancel out 3-1/2 years of a successful presidency.

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Thank you once again for talking sense.

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What's that aphorism again; "Hindsight is 20/20?"

Arguing from consequences is a falacy and may not be productive, however it does Crack open Johari's window for some.

Concidering all the big swinging swords that put on a big show. I mean who wants a needle when one can have a big clever? My point is the is too much bigotry and sexism in the u.s.to make too big of change. Most people are blind to thier own biases that they have to rationalize behind some other excuse. Wheather it was emails about Gaza or some other political agenda. The truth is most smart intelligent people saw what trump was going to do. However we live in land od ignorance.

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Kind of makes most wish they voted forHilary.

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