Some unfortunately believe it due to bad experiences, individual or collective.

Say the Arab World (conspiracy theories in politics)

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Remember, if you argue with them, you’re a shill, an agent provocateur, or a dupe.

They believe that they, and ONLY THEY have the answers…

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"The problem is that they are getting an emotional and social need met. " this is exactly it. it's not about facts, it's about feelings and finding an outlet for why bad feelings exist.

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Feed your head with reality, facts and truth...

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I think a lot of people are drawn to esotericism. I certainly am. Some things always will be exclusive, like the effects of maintaining a meditation practice for decades, or earning a PhD, or qualifying for the Olympics.

The stuff it seems you're speaking of I've referred to as dumbed-down esotericism or cheap trick knowledge.

I've read of a few cases of folks coming back to reality - the school board women in TX who didn't find pornograghy in schools, study subjects referenced by Haidt in The Righteous Mind, and supposedly some jurors in politically charged trials.

I wish these circumstances could be implemented on a large scale.

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You always have such a way of showing truth with your writing.

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Really succinctly rounding up the attractions and self-sealing traps of the conspiratorial mind-set.

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Well said, and with algorithmic support from all the other like minded ninnies, the disease remains entrenched.

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"The group of nutters". I like that expression.

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What the question for me really is............ who is behind this and what is their goal?

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The wealthy interests that bankroll them have several motivations.

As long as people are chasing conspiracies, they aren't looking at how completely their lives have been sold, and their government has been bought. It distracts attention from the real boot on the people's throat - theirs.

In addition, these conspiratorial rants muddy the water. They add to the noise discrediting the actual search for knowledge. If the very idea of truth is discredited, then the only truth is that which is the loudest and most repetitious. And money can make your message very loud and very repetitive. If you expose people to enough noise, they go deaf.

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Unless you have names its just another conspiracy theory. Names like Leonard Leo groups like the Federal Society and the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 and the goal of changing the US Government by getting DT elected, who is the perfect puppet, is what I think. Unless these names and groups and people associated with them aren't being told and talked about they are getting away with it all.

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